Emergencies by definition are unplanned

prov⋅i⋅dent  [prov-i-duhnt]
1. having or showing foresight; providing carefully for the future.
2. characterized by or proceeding from foresight: provident care.
3. mindful in making provision (usually fol. by of).
4. economical; frugal; thrifty.

A trench cut through church property diverted heavy run-off threatening the building during the January 2009 flood.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Easter Wheat Grass

Here's a great way to use your food storage wheat that's both healthy and Eastery cute. How can you loose? Thanks to Jodi and Julie at Food Storage Made Easy for sharing this great idea!

How to Grow Easter Grass with Wheat

This is such a fun activity to do with your family. I learned about it at my son’s preschool and knew that I had to post it here for you all to enjoy. Make sure to do it 2-3 weeks before Easter so you can have enough time for your grass to grow! (hint that means you better do it in the next day or two!!!) Hope you have as much fun doing this as we did.

How to Grow Easter Grass With Wheat – Instructions

Step 1: Soak a heaping cup of wheat kernels in a bowl of water overnight.

easter grass 1

The wheat should have teeny tiny sprouts. Aren’t they cute?

easter grass 2

Step 2: Line your Easter basket(s) with saran wrap.

easter grass 3

Step 3: Fill the basket with soil

easter grass 4

Step 4: Soak the soil with water, get it nice and wet


The kids think this part is really fun :)

easter grass 6

Step 5: Spoon a thick layer of wheat onto of the soil. Mist with a little more water.

easter grass 7

Doesn’t that look so nice?

easter grass 8

Step 6: Wrap the basket(s) in plastic or a ziplock bag. Try to make it airtight.

easter grass 9

Look how cute our baskets (and kids) are before the plastic.

easter grass 10

Step 7: Set in a warm place and leave the plastic on until most of the seeds have started to sprout grass. Remove plastic and mist daily if it looks dry.

Step 8: Enjoy a nice thick blanket of REAL Easter grass in a few weeks!

easter grass 11

Don’t forget to try to have at least one accident along the way. It makes life exciting ;)

easter grass 12


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Stockpiling food as a hedge against inflation?

Who doesn't need to supplement their income in an inflation- riddled, down economy? If you've noticed that it takes more money to buy less, you're not alone. A 2008 article in the Wall Street Journal entitled "Load up the Pantry" http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB120881517227532621-lMyQjAxMDI4MDI4MjgyMTI1Wj.htm discussed the realities of inflation and advised stockpiling food as the best hedge against the shrinking dollar (not to mention a good way to practice that Provident Living concept!).

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