Emergencies by definition are unplanned

prov⋅i⋅dent  [prov-i-duhnt]
1. having or showing foresight; providing carefully for the future.
2. characterized by or proceeding from foresight: provident care.
3. mindful in making provision (usually fol. by of).
4. economical; frugal; thrifty.

A trench cut through church property diverted heavy run-off threatening the building during the January 2009 flood.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The "No Grocery Shopping Challenge"

Drilling for emergencies is an ongoing reality for my fireman husband since the city of Seattle (like most metropolitan areas) prepares for catastrophic events. It makes just as much sense for families to do the same.

So starting Saturday, August 8th, we began the "No Grocery Shopping Challenge" through the end of the month. It will be doubling challenging (more like a 6-week event), since we are a family of 12 right now and things fly off the shelf at a rather alarming rate! But it's also a great opportunity to see how prepared we really are in case of a real emergency.

To kick things off - I took a picture of my pantry for a before and after shot and will be regularly posting our experiences.

This much I have figured out already:
I may have to hide the cheese and ration it out for special occasions since the first 2 lb. block has already disappeared. And the 30 half gallons of apple juice that I got for a killer deal ($1 a piece!) won't make it through the end of the month unless we ration those as well. When you know you can't run to the grocery store, you start thinking differently about food options!

Our menus thus far:
Saturday morning I made a huge pot of homemade chicken noodle soup and took some to a sick friend. The rest fed the whole clan through lunch and dinner (with a little help from Campbell's chicken and dumplings to make it go the distance).
Sunday we cooked kidney beans in the crockpot and made chili and cornbread for dinner. Tonight it will be chili dogs and fritos. The kids are excited!

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Stockpiling food as a hedge against inflation?

Who doesn't need to supplement their income in an inflation- riddled, down economy? If you've noticed that it takes more money to buy less, you're not alone. A 2008 article in the Wall Street Journal entitled "Load up the Pantry" http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB120881517227532621-lMyQjAxMDI4MDI4MjgyMTI1Wj.htm discussed the realities of inflation and advised stockpiling food as the best hedge against the shrinking dollar (not to mention a good way to practice that Provident Living concept!).

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This is what happens when an enterprising woman combines humor, cooking and photography. Entertaining and very informative. Try her apple dumplings - to die for

And...click on the icons below for some great suggestions of things to make for your family or home on the cheap.