Emergencies by definition are unplanned

prov⋅i⋅dent  [prov-i-duhnt]
1. having or showing foresight; providing carefully for the future.
2. characterized by or proceeding from foresight: provident care.
3. mindful in making provision (usually fol. by of).
4. economical; frugal; thrifty.

A trench cut through church property diverted heavy run-off threatening the building during the January 2009 flood.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bare minimum food supply for one year

Thanks to Erika Grover and Gail Richmond for this visual of what a bare minimum food storage for one person looks like. It's not fancy, but it will keep you alive. Kinda reminds me of Moses leading the children of Israel through the wilderness. I can imagine the kids waking up every morning and saying "What - manna again?" But it sure beats starvation!

These are the MINIMUM Basic Amounts of Food Needed for Survival for ONE PERSON for ONE YEAR:

BARE-MINIMUM LDS Church Food storage requirements for
1 adult male for 1 year Approx. 2,300 calories per day. (only 695lbs total)
Some people try to rationalize that we "really" don't need to store everything that we have been asked to store. The regular excuses of no money, no room, no time, don't know how to use wheat, or don't eat wheat, etc. Some have heard "that is so much to store", that "our family would never use 400 pounds of grains per person in an entire year". Also, "we don't use that much salt or oil", therefore they don't feel they need to store it."

This food can be purchased at a grocery store. It’s not overwhelming when you see it this way, it’s impressive!

With these ingredients pictured (and adding yeast which we know is not on the basic list – but hopefully we have stored), we would be able to make one loaf of bread and 1/3 cup of beans. That would be your food for the entire day. Beans and wheat make a complete protein that will sustain the health of the body.

* Protein is essential for many bodily processes, including building and repairing tissue. You use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Plus, your hair and nails are mostly made up of protein. It is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
* Foods can be combined to make complete proteins like pairing beans with rice or corn. There are other combinations as well. Beans and seeds, beans and nuts, and beans and grains will form a complete protein. Protein is necessary for building/rebuilding healthy tissue in the body.

· 14 Gallons per person per 2 weeks.
· For long term emergency use, you might want to consider an emergency filtration system (filtering straws, bottles, etc.)

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Stockpiling food as a hedge against inflation?

Who doesn't need to supplement their income in an inflation- riddled, down economy? If you've noticed that it takes more money to buy less, you're not alone. A 2008 article in the Wall Street Journal entitled "Load up the Pantry" http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB120881517227532621-lMyQjAxMDI4MDI4MjgyMTI1Wj.htm discussed the realities of inflation and advised stockpiling food as the best hedge against the shrinking dollar (not to mention a good way to practice that Provident Living concept!).

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