Emergencies by definition are unplanned

prov⋅i⋅dent  [prov-i-duhnt]
1. having or showing foresight; providing carefully for the future.
2. characterized by or proceeding from foresight: provident care.
3. mindful in making provision (usually fol. by of).
4. economical; frugal; thrifty.

A trench cut through church property diverted heavy run-off threatening the building during the January 2009 flood.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Home Depot Garden Club

Okay - it is May and it's snowing outside, but summer is still coming (even if spring is a little iffy). If you love to garden or wish that you knew how to garden, Pinching Your Pennies (PYP) just posted a link to the Home Depot Garden Club. It offers all kinds of great tips by climate zone and some great gardening coupons if you join.

Get HOT coupons!
Home Depot Garden Club

This is a HOT one! The coupons they send are great.

Join now for FREE and get:

* Exclusive members only coupons and savings delivered right to your inbox.
* Timely regional tips and advice, delivered biweekly.
* Expect answers to your gardening questions within 24 hours.


Here is a sample of the coupons they've sent in the past:

* Buy one Tree, get one FREE (of equal or lesser value)
* $3 off 5M or $6 off 15M TurfBuilder with Summerguard Lawn Fertilizer and Insect Killer
$3 off Cutter Bug Free Backyard Hose End or Concentrate
$1 off 32 quart or $2 off 64 quart or Miracle Gro Moisture Control Potting Mix
* $3 off a Propane Exchange or $4 off any New Tank purchase.
$2 off any Clorox ProResults Outdoor Bleach 32 oz.
$4 off Weed-B-Gon Ready-To-Spray concentrate of any Quart concentrate

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Stockpiling food as a hedge against inflation?

Who doesn't need to supplement their income in an inflation- riddled, down economy? If you've noticed that it takes more money to buy less, you're not alone. A 2008 article in the Wall Street Journal entitled "Load up the Pantry" http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB120881517227532621-lMyQjAxMDI4MDI4MjgyMTI1Wj.htm discussed the realities of inflation and advised stockpiling food as the best hedge against the shrinking dollar (not to mention a good way to practice that Provident Living concept!).

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This is what happens when an enterprising woman combines humor, cooking and photography. Entertaining and very informative. Try her apple dumplings - to die for

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